A Quick Guide to New York

Have you ever been to New York? New York is a famous city in America and many people from many countries visit New York if they come to America. Also, there are many trendy places in New York, too.
First, I will introduce to you about some of the foods in New York. There are many hamburger and steak houses and I think this is the reason why a lot of people from all over the world love American food. Anyway, almost all the restaurants are famous, so you need to make a reservation to eat there. So, you need to be aware of that fact. Also, it’s easy to get a bit fat because of their junk foods
such as hamburgers and chips.

Let me tell you about the places you should visit. First, you need to visit the Liberty Island where the statue of Liberty is. Many people think the Statue of Liberty is in Ellis Island, but it isn’t. Also, you need to visit the Times Square and the Brooklyn Bridge if you like to take photos. But, most importantly, you need to visit the Central Park, American Museum of Natural History, and the Metropolitan Museum. In Central Park, there is a gold link, a zoo, and two big lakes where you can ride boats. American Museum of National History is a museum from “Museum is Alive” and Metropolitan Museum is a big museum, too.

Lastly, I will you about the things you should be careful about. You need to be aware of guns because in New York, guns are legal. Also, you need to be careful of the people who deal with drugs. If you are unlucky, you might encounter a drug user on the street. So, if you’re aware of these, you can have a good trip in New York City.
To conclude, I think New York is a 7/10 because it is a bit dangerous and can be dirty. But I still prefer to visit New York because there are many trendy places to take pictures and the places are very good. How about you? Do you want to visit New York?