Drastic Climate Change

Climate change is one of the most urgent problems facing the world. These changes are causing serious natural disasters and threatening the environment and human society. The consequences of climate change have negative effects on the economy, health, and ecosystems.
Environmental problems are fundamentally caused by humans. The environment began to be damaged in the late 18th century, starting with the Industrial Revolution. The Industrial Revolution is a significant historical event that greatly changed the economy and society through mechanization and large-scale production. During this period, the extensive use of coal, oil, and natural gas greatly increased the release of pollutants, such as carbon dioxide. This contributed greatly to climate change. In the 20th century, the growth of industries and cities caused faster depletion of natural resources. Also, new technologies needed more fossil fuels, which made pollution even worse. Scientific research shows that carbon dioxide emissions trap heat in the atmosphere, increasing the Earth's temperature. Rising temperatures have been causing climate change, and environmental problems made by climate change have stood out for recent decades.

Climate changes have brought negative impacts on both the global economy and human lives. Rising sea levels are threatening coastal cities, putting millions of people at risk of displacement. Coastal places such as Bangladesh and the Maldives have even submerged. Extreme weather events caused by climate change are also increasing. In 2019 and 2020, Australia went through an enormous forest fire. The fire started in spring of 2019 and continued into early 2020. The fire resulted in land destruction and the death of many people and animals. Eventually, the fire was extinguished by heavy rain, but experts say that without the rain people would have definitely had a harder time extinguishing the fire. This is a good example that clearly shows the threat of extreme weather events caused by drastic climate changes.

Global warming is expected to cause a lot of problems on Earth. As global temperatures rise means that extreme weather events will become more frequent and intense. These charges pose serious threats to many ecosystems and species, some of which are potentially at risk of extinction. If green house gas emissions continue to increase, global temperatures could rise up to 4°C by the end of this century. This will have severe impacts on vulnerable areas, and humans will have to adapt to a new environment. Fast technological advancements are needed to solve these problems, but this might cause other problems too. When the ecosystem reaches the point of no return, Earth may no longer be able to support human life.
Climate change is the biggest problem humans need to solve. The effects of climate change are threatening globally. To reduce these impacts and ensure a better future, people around the world must work together to decrease greenhouse gases.